Small facial veins and capillaries are now quickly treated with intense light form lasers or pulsed light. Vascular lasers and pulsed light systems target the hemoglobins in the blood, reducing and removing broken and dilated capillaries (referred to as telangiectasias) resulting from acne inflammation, sun damage, rosacea or heredity that are visible on your face or legs.
Special Light + Hemoglobin = Thermal Reaction and Vein Disappearance*
The absorption of the light by the blood and the resultant heating action causes a purposeful damage to the blood vessel. Because the light is absorbed only by the red colors in the blood vessel and excess melanin, other skin structures are not affected.
Once the blood is coagulated by this heat, the vessel shrinks, the wall collapses and is then absorbed by the body's natural mechanisms, causing it to disappear.
Cause of a Spider Vein
Spider veins are caused by an inability of the small vein to properly direct the normal flow of blood. It is this pooling of blood that causes the veins to be visible. These tiny veins can be minimized with treatment. The benefit is that you will no longer be embarrassed or bothered by distracting redness.

Photo courtesy of David Vasily, MD
Treatment: Intense Pulsed Light*
Patient results may vary
Comfort and Cooling Process
Because the system only affects the blood vessels and excessive pigmentation and not the surface skin, there is no damage to the epidermis. A special cooling system keeps your skin comfortable throughout the treatment. Several sessions may be required to fully remove all the veins which respond to laser or light therapy. Beneficial for redness following acne inflammation, the Palomar G easily and quickly reduces reminders of acne cysts and breakouts. For acne scars which require resurfacing, the Fractional Laser is the best choice.

Dr. Sedgh has good results with the Palomar G Rejuvelux in reducing spider veins on the face, thighs, legs and ankles. Because the G uses a dual bandwidth of light, excess melanin (pigmentation) is also targeted and reduced. Read about the IPL Photofacial component and how it removes brown pigment.
Port Wine Stains are a type of vascular problem and are also treated with the Lux G. They are always present from birth and can range from pale pink to dark purple in color. In the past these lesions were erroneously called "capillary hemangiomas." Port Wine Stains occur in .3% of births and occur equally among males and females.
The cause has been recently associated with a deficiency or absence in the nerve supply to the blood vessels of the affected area. These nerves control the diameter of the blood vessels. If the nerves are defective, the vessels will continue to dilate and blood will pool or collect in the affected area. The result will be a visible birth mark. This is important to know because laser therapy which is used to remove a port wine stain will only be temporary. Since the deficiency is in the nervous system, in time the blood will re-pool in the affected area and the birthmark will once again appear.

Once a Port Wine Stain is treated, it is important at the first sign of reoccurrence to have one or two additional treatments to keep it faded. Port wine stains require treatment for life. Because Port Wine Stains can be progressive, treatment should be done early to prevent cobbling of the skin and thickening and darkening of the stain. These lesions vary from low-grade to high-grade, pale to dark. Low-grade progress at a slower rate than high-grade.
Lux G is used for:
- Facial Spider Veins
- Rosacea
- Redness from Acne
- Port Wine Stains
- Redness from Surgical Scars
- Spider Veins on the thigh, leg and ankle
- Brown Pigmentation from Sun Damage
- Sun spots and Actinic Bronzing

(Individual results may vary)
Who can be treated?
Many laser systems can not be used to treat dark skins because the light emitted by the laser will be absorbed by the melanin in the skin and will heat the skin up as well as the vessel. However, the Nd:YAG laser is very gentle on dark skin types, so almost all skin types can be treated with this system. In some cases, Sclerotherapy may be a safer choice.
Some vessels are not suitable for laser treatment. Very large vessels (more than approximately 4mm) or varicose veins cannot be treated. Some deep lying or blue veins may require more treatments than smaller red veins. If there are any areas of broken skin, the treatment should be delayed until the area has completely healed.
Is Laser Vein Therapy painful?
As the light energy is absorbed by the skin, it heats it up, and creates a sharp pinprick, burning sensation. Most patients describe the discomfort as moderate and acceptable.
What should I expect after the treatment?
Redness and a slight burning sensation are normal after treatment. A cooling pack may be applied to the skin to ease these symptoms. You may see a temporary ‘greyness' in the vessels, which will pass, and you might notice that some vessels have disappeared immediately. Around the vessel you might see some bruising.
What are the side effects?
A ‘cat-scratch' type reaction occurs in some people along the length of the vessel. Hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation (loss of pigment) or blistering may occur, but will generally heal with no long-lasting side effects. If the treated area blisters following treatment, the blistered area should be left alone to heal naturally. It is important to avoid scratching or picking scabs or blisters as this could result in scarring. Very rarely, scarring may occur.
How do I prepare for treatment?
You should avoid strong sunlight during the course of treatment and for at least 3-4 weeks afterwards. It is recommended that an SPF 30 is used on treated areas. Tanned skin cannot be treated and patients must not tan 6 weeks ahead of and during the entire treatment period.
How long does treatment take?
The length of each treatment will depend on the type and size of vessels, but a typical session will take from 15 to 30 minutes.
How many treatments are necessary?
The length and number of treatments will depend on the severity of the problem, but typically 3-5 treatments will be needed. Treatments should take place approximately every 4 to 6 weeks.
During your office consultation you will be provided with a detailed plan of the treatments that will benefit you most. Initial Cosmetic Consultations are Complimentary. Please contact us by phone at 888-333-2515 or email with any questions you may have or request an appointment online for your complimentary consultation.
* Individual Results May Vary