Skin Laser History
The original skin laser was developed to remove the entire top layers of facial tissue. By doing so, rough textured, wrinkled and aging skin could be replaced by fresh new skin. The process, despite providing excellent results, was extremely painful. This type of full skin surface removal is referred to as ablative. The CO2 lasers were ablative lasers.
A second type of skin renewal laser arrived that did not remove surface skin at all. With this type of laser, regenerative processes that cause collagen stimulation and growth occur beneath the skin surface. This type of laser is referred to as nonablative because it does not cut, burn or remove surface skin. Nonablative lasers have not been effective in addressing the issues of surface problems. Examples of the original nonablative lasers are the CoolTouch laser and SmoothBeam.
A Skin Resurfacing Revolution
A new type of skin laser employs a technique that provides double benefits: it allows old skin to be replaced by new and stimulates new collagen. The unique features of the Palomar Fractional Laser achieve these benefits with the effectiveness of an ablative laser, but without the pain and difficult recovery process.

Photo courtesy of Dwight Scarborough, MD
Treatment - Fractional Resurfacing*
Patient results may vary
Palomar developed and patented Fractional Photothermolysis to create an efficient skin resurfacing laser that requires no to minimal downtime with full epidermal healing. Since most of your skin is untouched by the laser beam, there is unbroken tissue integrity.
Fractional Skin Resurfacing Uses
- Skin Wrinkling
- Rough Skin Texture
- Deep Pigmentation Problems
- Acne Scarring
- Post-Surgical Scars
Microbeam Technology in Fractional Resurfacing

Photo Courtesy David Vasily, MD
Treatment: Fractional Resurfacing*
Patient results may vary
The Palomar Lux1540 Fractional Laser delivers light in an array of high precision microbeams. These microbeams create narrow, deep columns of tissue coagulation that penetrate well below the epidermis and into the dermis, while sparing the tissue surrounding the columns from damage.

Source Palomar Medical
Any time the skin is injured (and in this case the injury is highly controlled purposeful thermal injury) the response is new collagen formation. The treated tissue within the columns initiates a natural healing process that accelerates the formation of new, healthy collagen and firmer, more youthful skin tissue. Old skin debris that was "injured" by the laser beam flakes off as the new skin emerges.
High Efficacy, No to Minimal Downtime
The Palomar Lux1540 offers greater energy per microbeam, and greater depth of penetration (up to 1 mm) than some similar devices. This stimulates quick healing within the surrounding deep tissue for effective deep corrections and long-term dermal remodeling.
In addition, the Lux1540 delivers uniform microbeam penetration by use of a pattern laser design.
Treatment Options in Skin Resurfacing

Photo Courtesy Tiffany Hamilton, MD
Treatment: Fractional Resurfacing*
Patient results may vary
We chose the Palomar Resurfacing Laser because of the ability to control depth of the penetration – this is important where areas of your skin are thinner than others – and also the ability to select the size of the area being treated with each pulse. This allows for greater control and patient comfort.
A smaller spot size may mean the doctor must spend more time performing your treatment but we do not believe you should experience pain or discomfort for the sake of saving time. Your treatments will be performed as gently as possible.
Acne Scar Treatment

Physician unspecified
Treatment: Fractional Resurfacing*
Patient results may vary
Acne scars are treated with a series of procedures. Five to six treatments may be required to show positive effects. Because the collagen response is seen over time, final treatment results are usually seen between 6 and 12 months after the last procedure.
Patents may choose more aggressive treatments for faster results, but should expect several days of downtime with higher level treatments. Your options will be explained for desired outcomes.
Trauma and Surgical Scars
Scars from accidents or surgical procedures can be painful visual reminders of what you went through as well as being disfiguring. A series of Lux 1540 fractional laser treatments help soften and minimize the appearance of these scars.

Photo courtesy of David Vasily, MD
Treatment - Fractional Resurfacing *
3 months post 6th treatment
Patient results may vary

Photo courtesy of David Vasily, MD
Treatments: Fractional Laser
Individual results will vary
Comfort During Procedure
The Palomar Lux1540 delivers its microbeams in one short pulse at a time with active contact cooling. Lux1540 treatments are significantly more comfortable than systems that deliver beams over longer periods of time. As the laser device touches your skin, the ultra-cooled surface helps negate the sensation of heat from the laser beam itself. Topical numbing cream is all that is required for your procedure.
For a full discussion of our laser skin resurfacing options and the best treatment for your complexion, please call Beverly Hills Laser Institute, Inc. at 888-333-2515 for a complimentary consultation.
* Individual Results May Vary